Why are humans so darn possessive? Isaac and I have both noticed this feeling gradually creeping into our wilderness perspective. About a week ago we heard a small plane come buzzing up the canyon, low and slow as if either looking for something or preparing to land. We immediately speculated that it was headed for Cabin creek, and potentially contained cat hunters.
The feeling crept into both of our minds, gripping our consciences with persistent fingers. What were they doing here? Why were these people flying into our canyon? Our canyon. It’s fairly laughable.
Talking about it with Jim and Holly later, they wore knowing smiles and we all mused at how quickly it can happen. It doesn’t take long for the mind to begin thinking along the lines of this is our place, why are you coming in now? We don't want to share our canyon during these special quiet months of winter. Not with anyone else, at least anyone else of the bi-pedal variety. Jim and Holly knew exactly what we were talking about, and we tried to imagine to what degree they felt that same thing, having spent nearly 25 years in this place, watching people come and go. Spending mostly quiet winters watching the flux of hunters ebb and flow.
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